As part of the rebrand for architectural visualisation firm 'AnotherArtist', my team and I were tasked with each developing a direction for the creative evolution of the brand. 
This route, 'Stori', centres around the transformation of imaginative ideas into tangible reality. It particularly focuses on the way AnotherArtist centred around architectural visualisation at the early stages of idea development to transform ideas into real-world impact. 
Breakdown of brief
This guided the route down a direction influenced by the notion of sunrise and sunset, and contrasting this with a glassmorphism-inspired aesthetic to communicate a sense of material and craft, particularly the interesting ways in which light passes through glass, leaning into this as a core idea.
Initial moodboarding
Logomark development
Stylescape presented to client
Although the client made the decision not to proceed with this route, it was noted that the final stylescape demonstrated an intentional synergy of ideas, and was executed to a high standard.
The project was an incredibly valuable experience in terms of immersing myself in the creative process to properly push my ideas and creative boundaries. 

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